What is Life Coaching?

What is life coaching?

The magnificence of life coaching is in the 100% partnership between the coach and the client. The undivided focus of the coach is on the client’s agenda, with the overall objective of  getting the clients to more connected to their true self, to their inner values.  In other words, to guide the clients to be fully, truly alive through all life expereinces.The coach’s job is not to FIX the clients or their lives, but to bring up all the hidden potential, and awaken the aliveness, creativity and resources of the clients.  Through the coach’s questions and techniques, the client will be able to discover and see new dimensions of the power within his/herself. This power will shed light on the future and allow the client to move forward with enthusiasm and confidence. Coaching is a form of conversation (one-on-one) with agreed upon ground rules regarding certain qualities that must be present: respect, openness, genuine compassion, empathy, and a rigorous commitment to speaking the truth.  There are certain beliefs that guide the coaching process: belief in the strength and capability of the client, rather than weakness, helplessness, or dependence.  We build on the client’s deep desire to give the best and achieve hihs/her potential.

Life coaching is not about the coach’s expertise,opinions, or solutions.  Technical experience or prior knowledge about the subject being discussed is non relevant.  The coach’s expertise is strictly limited to the process of coaching.   The coach’s job is to accompany the clients to articulate their dreams, desires, and aspirations; help them clarify their mission, purpose, and goals; and support them in achieving their desired outcome and long forgotten dreams.  .Life coaching addresses client’s whole life, not a specific area.  The process is not about offering solutions , but  rather about helping the clients see their problems from different prespectives and coming to solutions on their own, from within.  (i.e. coaches don’t give the fish but teach the client how to fish).

There are two ways of spreading light: To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it